Every interaction with your review earns you money. Britevue brings a microtransaction-based economy to online reviews. By utilizing fast and frictionless digital cash, you earn money when other users vote on your review, interact with your review, or leave you a tip if they found the review extra helpful.
Britevue is an incentive-based online review platform where users earn money for interactions with their reviews. Businesses owners can manage their digital footprint and use the Britevue platform to incentivize honest reviews from customers.
Money earned on Britevue is held in your HandCash account. Sign up and login with HandCash, or create a Britevue account to get started. Answer some questions about your hometown and get some money to get started!
Britevue brings proper incentives to online reviews by allowing reviewers to own and monetize their data. By utilizing blockchain technology, for the first time in history reviewers can have true data ownership over their intellectual property.
Built on blockchain technology, every action taken on the site is stored in an immutable audit trail. Consumers can be certain that Britevue is not manipulating review data or engaging in censorship.
Reviewers spend a lot of time leaving thoughtful reviews, but for many consumers it’s not worth the time and effort to leave a high-quality review. In Britevue, every review you leave has the potential to make money. Every interaction with your review earns you revenue.